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International Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship (IJEBE)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.23960/ijebe - ISSN: 2615-6873
International Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship (IJEBE). The objectives of IJEBE are to establish effective communication between policymakers, government agencies, academic and research institutions and professional’s person concerned with business, entrepreneurship and Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in a community. It also aims to promote international empirical research efforts. The international dimension is emphasized in order to understand cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and SME in the global economic community.
IJEBE publishes original papers, literature reviews, empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, case studies, and book reviews.
Publisher Department of Economics Development, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung
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  • Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan

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    Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan collaboration with Perkumpulan Pengelola Program Studi Ekonomi (APSEPI)
    Publisher Department of Economics Development, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung

  • Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen (JBM)

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    Researches in management and business study are welcome including:

    Organization, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship JBM is accepted papers written in both english and Indonesian language. Author(s) is encouraged to declare that submitted paper(s) in JBM is not submitted or published on another journal.

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